Brunswick Primary School, Somerhill Road, BN3 1RP

01273 711816

Brunswick Primary School

Achieving success with determination and joy

Term Dates

For Term Dates refer to the tables below. For a one page downloadable summary of the year click on the links below:

All dates can be subject to change.

By law, the school cannot authorise holidays in term time. If your child takes an unauthorised period of leave of absence from school, then it is likely parents/carers will be required to pay a fine.

For each child that incurs unauthorised absence, each parent can be fined £120. This means that if 2 parents have 3 children then this would be 6 fines altogether.

Families should ensure that relatives are aware of this, ensuring the holiday dates below are adhered to, in order to avoid costly penalties.

Spring Term 2025. 6th January to 4th April

Mon 6th January Inset Day
Tue 7th January Start of term – School opens
Mon 17th February - Fri 21st February Half Term Break
Mon 24th February School re-opens
Fri 4th April Last Day of Term
Summer Term 2025. 22nd April to 22nd July

Tue 22nd April Start of term – School opens
Mon 5th May Bank Holiday
Mon 26th May Bank Holiday
Tue 27th May - Fri 30th May Half Term Break
Mon 2nd June School re-opens
Fri 4th July Inset Day
Tue 22nd July Last Day of Term - Summer Holidays
Autumn Term 2025. 3rd September to 19th December

Wed 3rd  September Inset Day
Thu 4th September Start of term – School opens
Friday 24th October Inset Day
Mon 27th October - Fri 31st October Half Term Break
Mon 3rd November School re-opens
Fri 19th December Last Day of Term - Christmas Holidays